Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why DeviantART deleted your picture of Sailor Jupiter

I figured this out the other day.

It's not out of any moral compunction.

Or a desire to oppress lonely basement dwellers who draw Rei/Asuka yuri bondage. (which I totally do not do at all, ever. No really. Why are you doubting me?)

It's to keep from getting their asses sued.

You see, while they probably don't care, some people care a lot about that stuff, and sometimes those people have the copyrights and distribution rights involved

"But [insert Japanese animation studio here] doesn't care!"

Yeah, but [insert American distributor here] does! And DA's servers are based in California, which last time I checked, was still in America. Which means they're subject to American laws.

Which means someone who owns the American distro rights to something means they can sue the shit out of DA if they wanna.

And some will.


 There are sites that will let you post porn: Such as this one.  - Uber NSFW - but do I really need to say that?

Sure, it's a furry site, but when people are posting 12-foot-tall wolf-dragoon hybrids with 6 foot long wangs and 4999XXXXXX tits ... nobody's gonna give a shit that you're drawing Rei and Asuka having hot lesbian sex.


Remember LiveJournal?  Of course you don't. A while back LJ was almost going to get taken to court over some sort of fanfiction drama. While I hate fangirls, the entire thing was pretty hilariously absurd.  LJ started taking things down left and right, but it was only in response to potential legal trouble, much along the lines of this theory.

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